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Export entire ACT! CRM Database using Exporter® Software

JLT Exporter S/W

The Exporter software extracts all the data from an ACT! CRM database into standard formats for import into other CRM applications.   Supports all ACT! SQL versions of ACT!.


All Data Exported.  Companies, Contacts, Secondary Contacts, Notes, History, Activity, Opportunity, Users, Picklists, Campaign Results and more. 

Exports ALL user defined and virtual fields.   ACT! allows the user to rename user fields and create new fields.  These fields and their associated custom names are exported so they can be used in the target application.

Custom Tables.  Custom tables that have been added to the database using standard tools are exported.  This includes their join tables for the Contact, Company, Opportunity and Group objects.

Reassign Users.  Allows ACT! users to be reassigned to target system users.

Convert ACT! Notes and History from .rtf to standard text.  ACT! stores notes in .rtf format.  While this allows fancy formatting within ACT!,  most other applications can not use this format.  Therefore, any note stored in rtf format is converted to standard text. 

Convert ACT! Notes and History from .html to standard text.  Beginning with Version 21, ACT! stores notes and history records in .html format.  These will be treated the same as the older .rtf format and converted to plain text.

Unique IDs. The ACT! UniqueIDs are exported for each record to allow linking to related objects/tables.

Free Trial.  When running in in the free evaluation mode, you can extract up to 200 contacts with all the notes, history, companies, activities, opportunities etc. 

Easy to Use interface.  Answer four questions -- What type of output do you want?;  Where is the ACT! database? ; What SQL instance are you using to access the  database?  Where will the exported data be saved?

Works without ACT!.  Exporter does not require that you have ACT! on your system.

Builds Account records.  Builds Account records matching on the Contact Company or the Company name +State, +City or +zip.  If Companies weren't used in ACT!, the Exporter software will group contacts for import into CRM software systems that require Accounts.

Filters.  Allow the user to export portions of the database.  Selections can be made on History Types, Users, Dates and Groups.

Conversion Analysis. Reports to help analyze the contents of the database and any potential problems with the migration

  • Field_Map - displays the data fields for each table with the populated count, type, picklist information.
  • Edit_Date - creates a summary of the records in each table by the Edit Date.  This provides information to allow old records to be filtered from the migration.
  • History_Type - creates a summary of the History Types used in the database.  Provides information to build filters and exclude unwanted history records such as Field Changed, Swiftpage blast notices, Contact Deleted etc.
  • Problem_Summary - Itemizes potential problems with the database -- blank contacts, unmatched Company and Contacts, invalid e-mails etc.


Export File Types

CSV/Excel All tables are exported in Windows standard comma delimited  format.  All files exported can be opened with MS Excel.  Continue Reading...>>

ACCESS All tables are exported into an Access database.  The relationships between the tables are created.  Comma delimited files are exported which are formatted for import into Salesforce. 

  • Field names are set to match Salesforce.  ACT! street addresses are combined into an address block. 
  • UserIDs can be mapped to match Salesforce UserIDs.  Eliminates conversion after import.
  • A field containing a list of the ACT! groups is created and can be used to easily used to build Salesforce views. 
  • Individual notes and history records can be migrated using the Apex DataLoader, Jitterbit and/or applications. 
  • A list of the ACT! fields which did not automatically map to Salesforce fields is complied to allow easy transfer of the ACT! custom fields to Salesforce.

Zoho Comma delimited files are returned which can be easily imported into ZOHO using the Zoho Data Migration Tool.

  • ACT! fields are renamed to simplify the conversion process.
  • Individual notes and history records can be migrated using the ZOHO Migration tool.
  • Dates are exported to meet ZOHO requirements.
  • A list of the ACT! fields which did not automatically map to Zoho fields is complied to allow easy transfer of the ACT! custom fields to Zoho.