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ACT! Data Migration Help

Help Articles
Over the years of dealing with migrations from ACT!, we've encountered some difficult situations.  Below are some articles that can provide solutions and/or work arounds.

Migrating ACT! Users

ACT! allows data for inactive users to remain in the database without assigning it to an Active user. Most other CRMs do not allow this. You will usually want to keep the data for the inactive users, but assign it to an active user in your new CRM. Continue Reading...

Exporting ACT! without ACT!

The Exporter software is not dependent on ACT! and does NOT require you to have ACT! on your system.  This allows the data to be extracted using a backup copy of the database without interfering with the production environment. Continue Reading...

Database Problem Summary

ACT! imposes very few restrictions on how the database is used and customized. The Exporter program attempts to identify some of the more common problems. It's a good idea to resolve these issues before migration.  The software will attempt to "fix" them, but this may not be the "fix" you want. Continue Reading...

Migrating ACT! Activities

Most contemporary CRM software applications, separate Events and Tasks. An Event is an activity that takes place at a specific time -- like a meeting. On the other hand, a Task is untimed and sometimes referred to as an "action item". Unfortunately, ACT! does not do this. Continue Reading...

History File too Large

The Exporter software has a table size restriction of 2GB per table.  Because the ACT! history file can contain a large amount of data accumulated from mass e-mail blasts and included .rtf e-mail messages, it can get very large.  Below are some suggestions to extract the data.  Continue Reading...

ACT! Company vs. Company Name

The ACT! Company is probably one of the worst implemented concept of ACT! Instead of a clearly defined relationship between a Contact and an Account/Company, ACT! allows the user to enter text and/or relate the record to a Company using the same field.... Continue Reading...

Migration Planning Steps

Planning is an important part of the success of any migration project. Here are some steps you should
consider before you begin. Continue Reading...

Selecting a new CRM

You've decided that ACT! no longer meets your needs and it's time to choose a different CRM.  Things to consider. Continue Reading...

Dealing with Attachments

Dealing with Attachments in most cloud-based systems can be a challenge.  Continue Reading...